Dibuprint 3D is an application developed for desktop or laptop computers, where a webcam is required.

The  “GOLD” license, targeted for implantation in learning centers, includes a complete online support service which accompanies users throughout the evolution of the tool, with free updates for users with this license. Dibuprint 3D can be installed both in student and teacher computers: students will store their creations in local folders within their computers and the teacher will be able to choose which objects are actually 3D printed.

In the “BASIC” license version, the application includes all the functionalities of the tool, but does not include the advanced support services and evolutive maintenance.

Drawings and pictures can be imported in three different ways to Dibuprint 3D:

  • The application includes a simple image editor to draw directly on screen, with tools to crop pictures, brush palette, filling, eraser, etc.


  • Using the web cam users can capture drawings made on paper by children or users


  • 2D images, pictures or photos can be loaded from the computer folders


Dibuprint 3D allows to modify easily the stance of the created 3D model, using the “skeleton” generated automatically by the RTSE technology. This way, we can 3D print the model in the desired stance.



Dibuprint 3D exports a STL file, compatible with all 3D printers which can be printed using the printer’s specific software for scale and positioning (gcode).

Dibuprint 3D allows printing the pieces with relief, so that the final piece includes inner features defined by the colors of the drawing, providing a closer resemblance to the original object, specially for monochromatic printers.

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